Youtube- be more efficient in using it

If you are an avid youtube user, then maybe you have yet to utilize all the features and shortcuts efficiently? They will save you much time leaving you time to enjoy more. For example, you can adjust the payback quality and playback speed (for mobile phones- click the 3dots on the top RH corner, and for desktop- press < or >) from 0.25 to 2x at 0.25x steps, and if you want, you can switch on the subtitles. And I found it much quicker to use keyboard shortcuts (for desktops) to make do FF (l for 10 sec), Rewind (j for 10 sec), change speed (< or >), toggle captions (c- for those supporting it), toggle full screen (f), jump to say 70% point (7)……. For Desktops, the above shortcut menu can be found under your account icon on the top RH corner.