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What to Eat to Live a Long Healthy Life

Many of these most have heard, take this as a recap or summary. The gist is “Eat well, stress less, move more, and love more.”! Let’s all enjoy a happy, carefree and healthy life.

Below was extracted from a recent Pocket article republished based on The Blue Zones Solution, in which New York Times best-selling author Dan Buettner reveals the eating and living habits of the world’s longest-lived people.

In his book, Dan Buettner reveals how to transform your health using smart eating and lifestyle habits gleaned from new research on the diets, eating habits, and lifestyle practices of the communities he’s identified as “Blue Zones”—those places with the world’s longest-lived, and thus healthiest, people, including locations such as Okinawa, Japan; Sardinia, Italy; Costa Rica’s Nicoya Peninsula; Ikaria, Greece; and Loma Linda, California. 

With the audacious belief that the lifestyles of the world’s Blue Zones could be adapted and replicated in towns across North America, Buettner launched the largest preventive health care project in the United States, The Blue Zones City Makeovers, which has impacted the health of millions of Americans since 2009. In The Blue Zones Solution, readers can be inspired by the specific stories of the people, foods, and routines of our healthy elders; understand the role community, family, and naturally healthy habits can play in improving our diet and health; and learn the exact foods—including the 50 superfoods of longevity and dozens of recipes adapted for Western tastes and markets—that offer delicious ways to eat your way to optimum health. Throughout the book are lifestyle recommendations, checklists, and stories to help you create your own personal Blue Zones solution. Readers will learn and apply the 80/20 rule, the plant slant diet, social aspects of eating that lead to weight loss and great health naturally, cultivating your “tribe” of friends and family, and your greater purpose as part of your daily routine. 

Some reviews say that this is the ultimate blueprint for a healthy, happy life. 

For over a decade, Buettner (along with the National Geographic Society and a team of researchers) studied the 5 locations around the globe that have the highest concentrations of 100-year-olds, as well as exceptionally low rates of diseases such as cancer, diabetes, obesity, and heart problems.

In the book, Buettner lays out the specifics for each of these “Blue Zones” locations, analyzes the trends, and then prescribes a plan for people looking achieve the same level of health and longevity.

A summary of the main takeaways are below.

Note: Most of the book focuses on food, but it also talks about other healthy lifestyle habits commonly found in Blue Zones locations, these are mentioned also towards the end of this post.

According to The Blue Zones Solution:

The best-of-the-best longevity foods are (Include at least 3 of these daily):

The 4 best beverages are:

Foods to Minimize include:

Foods to Avoid (other than a special treat):

Food Guidelines to Live By:

The top longevity foods eaten in each Blue Zone:

Ikaria, Greece:

Okinawa, Japan:

Sardinia, Italy:

Loma Linda, California:

Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica:

Blue Zones lifestyle lessons to maximize happiness, health, and longevity:

Sources and Credits

What to Eat to Live to 100 – Andrew Merle – Pocket. (2016). Pocket. Retrieved 24 February 2019, from

Andrew Merle writes about living well, including good habits for happiness, health, productivity, and success. Subscribe to his e-mail list at and follow him on Twitter.

People, & Buettner, D. (2019). The Blue Zones Retrieved 24 February 2019, from

Waldinger, R. (2019). What makes a good life? Lessons from the longest study on Retrieved 24 February 2019, from

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