Author: Calvin Lam

Dieting works? 0

Dieting works?

An interesting discovery from the latest TED:

Secrets of Longevity (in Chinese) 0

Secrets of Longevity (in Chinese)

長 壽 的 秘 訣 (转载- 谢谢提供)   (根據講座記錄整理而成) 齊國力(教授) 我去年從美國回來,此前在史丹福呆了六年。我要介紹很多新東西。最近北京市普查完了,我們北京市得了兩個冠軍,一個是高血壓冠軍;一個是高血脂冠軍,很遺憾。市委非常重視,有檔下達了,要求各單位多聽最新保健知識,我就是奔著這個目的來的。 現在,死亡率最高的是30至50歲的人。


Dusit in Guangzhou

Dusit Devarana Hot Springs & Spa Conghua Guangzhou Opens There are lots of hot springs in China, but finding one of very high standard is difficult, let’s see if this new one (soft opened...


Too much info

If you’re like me who usually come across something which you’d like to refer to in the future, but when the time comes, you cannot find it.  Then read on….


Computer Attitude

My attitude (towards computer) – Many has a love-hate relationship with computers (PC, mobiles, pads), some describe their experience with such devices frustrating!  My philosophy and attitude towards computers is simple- don’t take it as...