CL's Blog

For Calligraphers – Search characters any writing style

Many friends are keen calligraphy lovers, while online calligraphy dictionaries are not new, I was most glad to find my favourite contemporary calligrapher 周慧珺 ‘s works featured. Hence, I would like to introduce and share some online sites, also a mobile app where you can search Chinese characters online instantly giving you many different styles from historic and some contemporary famous calligraphers including 周慧珺 (in the 1st site), 米芾, 王羲之, 郑板桥, 黄庭坚…….  Of course, you can do the same with the many thick paper based calligraphy dictionaries, but this is much faster for me. Hope some of you can  make good use of it, continue enjoy the art of calligraphy!

Credits and Sources:

书法字典_书法字帖_行书,草书,楷书,隶书,篆书 – 词典网. (2017). Retrieved 25 November 2017, from

书法字体库大全-第一字体网. (2017). Retrieved 25 November 2017, from

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