If you’re anxious about a lot of things – showing up in a party where you know no one, giving a public speech, quickly approaching a deadline, procrastinating, worried sick of some health issues, etc., you’re not alone! In fact, a recent University of Cambridge study put that 1 in 14 people in the world has anxiety disorders and the annual medical bill in treating anxiety runs up to 42 Billion dollars. Hence dealing with anxiety is not trivial nor should anyone shy away from or ignore it. Anxiety can lead to depression, suicide, etc. and anyone should not sweep it under the carpet. The good news is that there are resources to help you coping anxiety. In Olivia Remes talk on Coping with Anxiety (The 25 Mar 2017 “Did You Know” Event by TEDxUHasselt at Hasselt University, Belgium), she explained the 3 resources which are available to anyone to help lowering anxiety. Yes, you can do something about it and it works, they are so empowering! It does not seem rocket science, but putting them to work is the key. They are:-
- Take control of your life – take action, jump into it, doing it badly first is the key, don’t wait until you have thought through everything (procrastinate) or the perfect moment, improve it along the way. Just remember, Most of the time, do it badly is much better than doing nothing at all! GK Chesterton (write and poet said “Anything worth doing is worth doing badly the first time”.
- Forgive yourself for anything and everything, be KIND to YOURSELF!
- Have a purpose or meaning in life, doing something for someone, e.g. it can be volunteering, or just sharing something your think will benefit others (just like what I’m doing now)
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