CL's Blog

What’s the first thing to do after installing a new computer?

My answer is- Promptly plan and install a BACKUP solution.  Computers are so handy and many users just use it daily without thinking that they may fail.  Yes, they do!  You may notice that I use ‘may fail’, not ‘might’.  They do breakdown like any other machines.  If the harddisk fails/crashes which is more likely (most harddisk has mechanical parts and it has s a finite life from the thousands of accesses each day/week) than the other hardware in your computer, then all your data may be lost – a rather catastrophic scenario!  This is NOT rare, so if you don’t have a plan for backup, you’re likely hit with this.  Don’t be complacent with the “lifetime guarantee” provided by the harddisk manufacturers, they only guarantee the hardware and may replace/repair it should it fail, NOT the data within.  So make sure that you install your backup solution right away after setting up your new computer.  And remember, backup means alternative solutions when your computer fails, so it has to be physically elsewhere to be able to provide the alternative, not within the same harddisk in your computer.  Below are something you may consider:-


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