CL's Blog

Computer Attitude

woman-destroying-computer-300x224My attitude (towards computer) – Many has a love-hate relationship with computers (PC, mobiles, pads), some describe their experience with such devices frustrating!  My philosophy and attitude towards computers is simple- don’t take it as perfect and will do exactly as expected or as advertised!  Despite the fact that computers’ building blocks are 0 and 1, and hence ‘should’ either perform the said function exactly or not; however, after the many combinations and iterations in complex codings, etc, there are bound to be imperfections, so DON’T LOOK FOR PERFECTIONS.

I’m definitely not discrediting those genius minds and hardwork of the computer professionals- they are indeed marvellous, but when their apps e.g. are put to work in so many different versions of machines, each with slightly different designs and each with many other different apps running simultaneously, the probability of conflicts is high – think about that.  All software/apps update frequently and new features may crash with other software which used to co-exist harmoniously. Software applications are never perfect, they have bugs and that’s why they introduce updates and upgrades, mostly to get rid of the bugs after users complaint.  So just don’t expect computers to work perfectly period.  Once you accept this, you will live at peace with these modern day necessities.  There are bound to be problems, when these are hindering too much, seek help.

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